Omg! Woman Pregnant For 15 Months Shocked After Doctors Told Her There’s Nothing In Her Womb (Photos)


A woman who had the belief she’s been pregnant for 15 months has received the shock of her life after doctors debunked her claim.
Linda Reeves
Linda Reeves, is a 50-year-old woman, who believed she has been pregnant for 15 months.
The woman who has already had nine children believes she is pregnant and even says she has heard the baby’s heartbeat. She even claims she can feel the ‘baby’ kicking and squirming inside her.
However, medics say she has just overeaten.
According to The Sun UK, Linda Reeves has been sent for five scans over the past year but they have shown that nothing is growing in her womb.
Town councillor Linda is now convinced her ‘baby’ is an abdominal pregnancy, which is when the child grows outside the womb.
She said: “Nobody will take me seriously. I’ve had nine children and I know what it’s like to feel a baby inside me.”
She added: “I’ve had all the symptoms of pregnancy – sickness, backache and tiredness. I am absolutely certain that there is a baby there, but it is growing in the wrong place.
“I keep going to my GP and he’s agreed to a few times to send me for a pregnancy scan. But they only scan my womb – so how can they find my baby if it’s growing in my abdomen?”
While visiting her sister, Linda begged her sibling’s GP to listen to her tummy with a Doppler machine.
She told the Milton Keynes Citizen: ““I heard the baby’s heartbeat! I know that sound so well, how could I not recognise it!”
The mum has been stopped in the street by strangers who notice her protruding belly and ask when the baby is due.
“When I tell people I’ve been pregnant for 15 months they don’t believe me. I don’t blame them,” Linda said.
According to The Sun UK, desperate Linda is now pleading with medics to give her a full CT scan to discover exactly what is lurking inside her but claims her request has been refused.
One doctor even told Linda, from Milton Keynes, Bucks, that her ‘pregnancy’ is due to overeating.
Linda fumed: “He said I was just too fat. I was furious. I may not be the slimmest person in the world but I’ve actually lost weight because I’ve been so stressed since all this started in May last year.”
She added: “[Doctors] even suggested I have a mental health problem and it’s a phantom pregnancy. They gave me anti-depressants but I threw the prescription in the bin.
“If by some chance I am wrong, then I want to know exactly what is happening inside me. What if it’s cancer? I have a right to be treated seriously.”


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