Buhari Orders Probe Sports Minister For Meeting With Niger Delta Avengers

President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered probe into the circumstances surrounding the parley meeting of Sports minister, Mr. Solomon Dalung and the Niger Delta Avengers.
A presidential aide told NewTelegraph that the president has asked the minister to provides an answer as to whether or not he actually met with Avengers, and if truly he did, he wants to know from him who authorised the meeting,” a presidential aide told our correspondent.
This development came, as it emerged that one Jude Tabai, the son of a retired justice of the Supreme Court, facilitated Dalung’s trip to Oporoza.
But the minister did not disclose his identity to the host community during his visit as he introduced himself as the head of a non-governmental organisation (NGO) working for development in the Niger Delta.
The duo of the minister and Jude went without any security escort, a local source said. On Monday, the Sports Minister claimed to have met with the leadership of the militant group as well as community leaders in Oporoza, Gbaramatu Kingdom of Warri South West Local Government area of Delta State which the Avengers later called a scam.
“The first question Mr. President raised on the report that the minister visited the leadership of the Avengers and Oporoza community was, who authorised the visit? The question became necessary because neither the NSA nor the petroleum minister or even the military task force was aware of the minister’s trip to the area” the source told New Telegraph.


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